Your first dungeon OLD!
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InfiniteDungeons is, after all, a relatively complex plugin. In order to understand it, you should go on step by step, try out the features you're interested in and get a feeling for them.
In this part, we will approach in a simple way different essential elements of the plugins, for more detailed explanations, I invite you to look at the guide associated with the element in question.
Let's start with the rooms, as with each blueprints you can choose the height, length and width. Once defined you will have to keep these parameters for each future element that you will want to add to your dungeons!
The width of a room is in the North South direction, conversely the length in East West
Another thing to know about the rooms is that there are two different types of walls that you must respect in order to use the room in your dungeons. In reality your walls should not be at the end of your room (here the walls are represented by the blue blocks), what will therefore be at the end will be the blocks of your doors (Yellow, Black and Red).
Be careful, the door blocks will be cut to place a door that connects a room to another room!
For the doors, unlike the room, only the width must be respected for an East West door and the length for a North South door. Then you can choose the size you want for your door to separate your two rooms. Here the size of the door is 5 blocks (count the blocks that are cut from the rooms)
Create your theme. Then you can define "Dungeon end location" the place where the player will be teleported once the dungeon is finished.
Now let's start by creating a new world!
It is not compulsory, but recommended! Generating a dungeon without an instance can result in the loss of your buildings (if it spawns on it) and no undo is possible!
Once done, you can create a new stage and like "Dungeon end location" you can place "the lobby of the stage" where players will be teleported during the creation of the stage.
Then more delicate and dangerous, the location of the origin of the dungeon.
The direction of generation of the dungeon is South East, that is to say that the rooms will be placed in this direction, be careful if you have constructions in this place and you generated the dungeon without an instance you can lose your constructions
And to finish you just have to add the room in the category "list of rooms" and the door in "list of doors"!
To generate the dungeon without going through the creation of a game, you can use the "Generate dungeon" menu.
If this is your first time using the menu, please read each setting carefully before starting any dungeon creation.
Here is the result! 🎉